【院·望】bet356亚洲版体育官网“院·望”系列讲座—Michael Bender院士
发布日期: 2020/11/13

报告题目:地球气候的演变历史(The History of Earth's Climate)

报告人:Michael L. Bender,bet356亚洲版体育官网讲席教授,美国科学院院士,普林斯顿大学教授


ZOOM会议号: 950 983 99600  会议密码: 109330 



Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. By studying natural changes in Earth’s past climate, we can improve our understanding of how climate will change in the future due to Human activities.

Over periods of millions of years, Earth’s average temperature is determined by 3 influences. The first is how brightly the sun shines. The second is the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The third is Earth’s reflectance (which returns sunlight directly back to space, so that it cannot heat the surface). During some intervals in Earth history, these three factors have combined to cause large and interesting climate anomalies, when the planet has either been much warmer or much colder than present. We discuss how Earth’s climate could be stabilized for long time intervals, while big climate changes occurred at other times. We conclude with a brief discussion of how global warming, caused by the combustion of coal, oil, and natural gas, compares with natural climate changes.



Michael L. Bender,美国科学院院士,普林斯顿大学教授,国际著名海洋地球化学家,2015年受聘担任bet356亚洲版体育官网讲席教授。他开创了测量冰芯包裹气体性质的古气候研究领域:建立了冰期与间冰期生物圈生产力与大气二氧化碳含量的关系,发展了海盆全球尺度碳通量与生态系统生产力的检测系统,为进一步认知和预测未来气候变化作出了开创性的贡献。共发表130多篇学术论文,其中27篇发表于《Science》和《Nature》,曾获国际地球化学学会Patterson奖章和美国地球物理学会Revelle奖章,南极命名委员会更将其在南极研究的冰川命名为Bender glacier。

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